Dedicated to Binocular Astronomy
Latest book from The Binocular Sky
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Excerpts from Steve Tonkin's Binocular Astronomy talk
(Taken impromptu on a cheap point-and-shoot camera, so quality leaves a lot to be desired!)
Steve Tonkin explains why Binoculars are so good for Astronomy
(Seeing Stars Live interview on Castledown Radio)
Click Here to Listen
You've found the web site useful? Then get the book!
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The Binocular Sky exists to help you get the best out of your astronomical binoculars. From understanding binocular basics, through choosing the binocular that is right for you, to suggestions of objects to observe, the Binocular Sky has it all. The Binocular Sky is frequently updated, to ensure that the information is current. I try to be very responsive to requests and suggestions from my readers. Please look around; if you like what you see, please tell others and/or link to it. If not, please tell me!
Please also see my companion website for general astronomy, including courses and online tutorials, The Astronomical Unit.