The Binocular Sky


NGC 7000 (the North American Nebula)

Constellation: Cyg
Object Type: Emission Nebula
RA:  20h 59m 0s
Dec:  +44° 31' 0"
Magnitude: 4.0
Recommended minimum aperture: 50mm

Charts for 50mm Binocular (5° aperture circle).   Click on a chart to print it.


NGC 7000 is a bright patch of nebulosity whose centre is about 4° ESE of α Cygni (Deneb).

What You Should See:

In a very transparent dark sky it is visible, as a slightly brighter patch of sky, to the naked eye with direct vision and easy with averted vision. It is extremely large, being about four times the apparent diameter of the Moon, and is one of the few objects that is better in 7×50 binoculars than in 10×50. The characteristic shape is given to it by intervening clouds of dust.

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