The Binocular Sky


M65 (NGC 3623)

Constellation: Leo
Object Type: Galaxy
RA:  11h 18m 55s
Dec:  +13° 5' 26"
Magnitude: 10.1
Recommended minimum aperture: 70mm

Charts for 100mm Binocular (2.5° aperture circle).   Click on a chart to print it.


Co-ordinates are for M65.

Put θ Leo (Chort) at the N of the field and find 73 Leo 2° to the S. Place 73 Leo at the W of the field and the galaxies should be visible near the middle.

What You Should See:

These galaxies are nicely framed in a 2.5°field. Although they are visible as flecks of light in 10×50 binoculars, they are distinctly better at ×37 and the difference in shape of NGC 3628 becomes apparent.

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