The Binocular Sky


δ Boötis and 50 Boötis

Constellation: Boo
Object Type: Multiple Star
RA:  15h 15m 29s
Dec:  +33° 18' 49"
Magnitude: 3.5
Recommended minimum aperture: 50mm

Charts for 100mm Binocular (2.5° aperture circle).   Click on a chart to print it.


The co-ordinates are for δ Boo.

What You Should See:

δ Boo is a double star. The yellow-white 8th magnitude secondary is 105 arcsec from the deeper yellow δ Boo. Large binoculars show the colour difference more distinctly.

50 Boo is a triple star. The primary is a 5th magnitude blue-white, and the 10th magnitude members are a noticeable yellow, making a pretty trio.