The Binocular Sky


Binocular Links

Observing Lists

Binosky  Ben Crowell's Observing Lists

Deep Sky Binocular Club (Astroleague)  The observing list from the DSBC (.pdf format)

Planetarium Objects DeepSkyBinoc  Tom Wideman's DSBC list plug-in for Planetarium software

Binocular Observing Certificate  The RASC Binocular Observing Certificate document with high resolution star charts (.pdf format)

SAA 100: Best Non-Messier Objects  Compiled, from suggestions on sci.astro.amateur, by Astronomyboy (Jeff DeTray)

Southern Sentinel Observing Lists  Observing lists for southern hemisphere observers

Observing Logs

Binocular Observation Log Sheet

AstronomyLog  An online resource for recording your observations. Also has several useful articles.

Used Binoculars

Astronomy Classifieds  UK-based free classified astronomy ads.

UK Astronomy BuySell  Canada-based classified astronomy ads.

Gumtree  General 2nd hand classifieds; large number of binoculars, some bargains, some way over-priced: caveat emptor!.

Binocular Reviews

NEW  Binomania Italy-based binocular review site. Good, objective reviews.

Review: Fujinon 10x50 FMTR-SX vs. Docter Nobilem 10x50 B/GA vs. Zeiss Jenoptem 10x50W

Todd's BINOCULAR EVALUATION  Todd Gross's reviews of 29 astronomical binoculars

Discussion Forums

Cloudy Nights Binocular Forum   Very active forum on all aspects of binocular astronomy

SGL: Observing - With Binoculars and SGL: Discussion - Binoculars   UK-based Binocular Astronomy forums


Need-Less  A remarkably useful light pollution tool. There is an interactive map (UK only) on which you can click to get a realistic simulation of what the night sky will look like.

Distortion and globe effect in binoculars  Superb article, by Holger Merlitz, on a poorly understood phenomenon.  Polish web site (in English, apart from some images) with an impressive array of reviews and articles. It's not specifically astronomical, but much there is useful.